These common mistakes will lead to a terrible workout experience and likely to make you unsatisfactory.
Ladies and Gentlemen,
Imagine you have just realised that you have the ability to be and feel more amazing as you are right now.
You are fully motivated to make that workout session more happening.
As you step on that treadmill, your motivation starts to fade.
What went wrong?.
We aim to discuss 8 common mistakes that men and women make that makes there workout terrible, unproductive and unsatisfactory.
Let's Begin!
1. Not warming up
You want to train and perform like a top-level sprinter just like Usain Bolt.
But the problem is that your body doesn't feel that way. You are just cold and unmotivated to move any part of your body at the moment.
Which ultimately results in low performance during that session.
In such a scenario, Warming up could do wonders to enhance your performance.
It will increase the blood flow, the temperature of your body and the circulation of oxygen within your body which will be enough to make your body feel motivated and prepared to handle that rigorous sprint session.
2. Warming up too much
In the previous point, We mentioned that warm could do wonders and enhance your performance.
But let me remind you, "Anything in excess will be harmful".
The goal is to have high performance in the training session, not the high-level warm-up.
Warming up too much might make you feel less energetic while performing your dedicated training routine.
3. Having a meal/snack just before the workout
Imagine having a Vada Pav or Banana just 10 - 30 mins before your training session.
While warming up, You realise that there is a sense of discomfort within your body. You start to feel nauseated whenever you are performing in a high-level activity.
I have observed that this is one of the most common mistakes that usually teenager or newbie make, Having 2 - 3 banana just before the workout.
I would recommend having the meal or snack 1 - 1:30 Hr before indulging into your training routine.
Your body needs some time to settle down that meal in your stomach.
4. High consumption of coffee or a pre-workout
Most of the trainers will be likely to recommend having a cup of coffee 30 minutes before the workout.
Coffee has a drug called caffeine that is responsible for stimulating your central nervous system.
It makes you alert and proactive due to an increased level of Epinephrine (Adrenaline) which is also known as the Flight or Fight Hormone.
However, The overdose of coffee or a pre-workout might leave you tired and unmotivated due to increased levels of Cortisol (also known as the stress hormone).
5. Unplanned workout routine
It is pretty time-consuming to plan the routine then and there, it might be pretty demotivating as well.
Being into the training arena and not knowing where to start from is not recommended. Instead, have a well-defined routine so that you rock the training session like Rocky.
6. Being engaged into Social Media
Don't be that person who would go to the gym have 1 set of the Bicep curls, two sets of Facebook and 1 set of Instagram.
In reality, Social media applications are designed in a way to keep you hooked to their application.
Anyway, Being Focussed is one of the crucial factors that will determine whether or not you will be able to achieve that goal you have.
7. Wearing uncomfortable clothing and accessories
Imagine wearing a long sleeve baggy T-shirt and working out.
You get a sense of discomfort, Is'nt it?
I would recommend you guys to wear clothes that make you feel uncomfortable.
I completely understand that you love wearing that piece of clothing or accessory because you look fantastic.
But still do wear a comfortable piece clothing and accessory, You are undoubtedly Handsome/Beautiful. 😎
8.Coming to the gym unhappy
Well, As mentioned in my previous article, "5 Signs that you definitely will achieve your Fitness Goal".
Being happy not only crucial for your fitness goals, but it is also for your overall health and wellbeing.
Being happy improves the levels of serotonin within and makes you more likely to perform well during your training.
Listen to, "Bhaag Milkha Bhaag" or any of your favourite songs that improves your mood and motivation.
You only live once.