In this fast-paced running lifestyle, we might often end up skipping breakfast to save some time. Is it a good strategy?
Let's find out!
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Waking up on weekday mornings, you look at the clock and realise it's the time to groom yourself and prepare to leave for your office/college.
Brushed your teeth, took a shower, had a cup of tea/coffee, wished everyone at home goodbye and departed.
Did we miss something?.
Yes! It's a nine-letter word, "BREAKFAST".
Well! Some reader at the moment might argue that "I cannot afford to miss my client meeting or the lecture in my college at the cost of breakfast".
I completely understand.
The aim of writing this article is to make the readers aware of how a small mistake in our lifestyle may tend to get remorseful in the future.
Breakfast is the first meal of our day after waking up in the morning.
At night we have our last meal of the day.
And our body uses those nutrients to build and cure our damaged cell while we are asleep.
Here are my top incredible reasons why you should have Breakfast:
1. You improve your energy levels in the morning.
Waking up in the morning and skipping breakfast will not only drop your energy levels. But it will also induce Demotivation and lethargy to your day.
You cannot have your day with those low energy levels.
Having breakfast in the morning decreases your ghrelin levels (a.k.a. the hunger hormone) and also your cortisol (a.k.a. the stress hormone) which will make your day less painful and more energetic.
2. You are less moody.
You definitely might be familiar with the Snickers ad by Dhoni, where he is too moody before the match.
He has a bar of Snickers, and now he is all stable.
Food does impact us.
Skipping breakfast in the morning increases Cortisol (a.k.a the stress hormone) levels, might decrease your Serotonin (a.k.a. the satisfying hormone) levels which leads to low performance, demotivation and mood swings.
So don't burst out all your anger and emotion, Reach out to your canteen and have something.
3. Higher absorption of Nutritients.
It's been 8-9 hours had nothing since dinner. Our body is craving to suck up all the nutrition whatever your first meal has.
Yes, Our body has the highest absorption rate in the morning as soon as we are awake and after a rigorous workout.
4. It lowers your risk of death:
A study by an asst. professor of epidemiology named Wei Bao of the "University of Iowa College of Public Health" finds that , "
"people who never ate breakfast had an 87 % higher risk of death caused by cardiovascular disease than people who ate breakfast every day. Published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology, it supports the benefits of eating a daily breakfast in promoting heart health".
Bao in his study also mentions,
The early-morning calories jumpstart the body’s metabolism and give people the energy and nutrients needed to start the day. But despite evidence that suggests skipping breakfast leads to increased risk of obesity, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes, and other health complications, fewer people report they are making the meal a part of their daily routine.
Well, who wants to die early?.
5. Prevents unnecessary Food Cravings.
Have ever been in a situation, where it's been a long time since you had your meal and now you crave to have something which could give your brain and body instant energy.
In such a scenario we mostly tend to eat something unhealthy and unhygienic. Probably we binge eat packets of Lays Cream and Onions potato chips or a 500ml of aerated soft drink or something which has higher levels of sugar/sodium.
Having breakfast balances sugar level makes you less likely to be moody which might prevent us from having that unexpected binge eating session.
6. Your weight is on point.
As per an article "Breakfast: Is It the Most Important Meal?" published on WebMD mentions that,
"Can a morning meal be good for your waistline? Some studies say yes. Researchers have found that on average, people who eat breakfast are thinner than those who don’t. That could be because eating foods with protein and fiber in the morning keeps your appetite in check the rest of the day. But it doesn’t guarantee you’ll fit into those skinny jeans. A recent study compared weight loss among people who ate breakfast with those with didn’t. The meal didn’t make any difference. If you’re dieting, don’t think cutting calories by skipping the meal will help. Studies show that most people who lose weight and keep the weight off eat breakfast every day. On the other hand, you need to pay attention to what, when, and how much you eat. One study showed that people who had large breakfasts ate more during the day".
Although, This point is a bit controversial.
I would still recommend having breakfast in the morning at it lowers cortisol levels in your body which is indirectly responsible for weight gain.